Take On Greater Challenges With An Adventure Training Program

- We will improve your performance, flexibility, and strength with a complete exercise program - 

Getting Hurt Will Set You Back

- Real progress comes when you don't try to do it alone -

- Stuck At Your Current Level -

Motivation is tough when you feel like you're stuck and can't progress. Your random training isn't going get you the results you're looking for. You need a real plan for your training.

- Stop Guessing At What To Do Next -

Do you feel overwhelmed by trying to create your next workout? If you are like most, you are guessing when it comes to what to focus your training on and with a coach you don't need to.

- Can't Stick To The Plan -

Even the best plans are worth very little unless you actually stick to them. When you are tired, it is easy to convince yourself that you don't need to do that workout or get that routine in but telling a coach you missed it is much harder.

I Look Forward To Training With You

- I can't help you reach your performance goals if I don't get a chance to work with you -

- Join The Waitlist -

I take on five new clients every eight weeks. This ensures I can give each person I work with the attention they deserve.

- Secure Your Spot -

I'll meet with you to make sure I can help complete your goals. My expertise lies in injury prevention and recovery, rock climbing, and martial arts but I have worked with many others as well.

- Crush Your Goals -

You will feel unstoppable after the 14 week training program. Together we will have you reaching new heights and setting new personal bests.

- A personalized training program from a knowledgeable coach will get you there. -

Do you need a way to break your plateaus while you prevent injuries?

Building and sticking to a training program feels impossible when you don't have at least one person to talk it through with and to keep you accountable. You need a partner or a team to conquer the challenges and get around the road blocks life has way of putting up. A supportive and knowledgeable coach can keep you progressing toward your objectives.

Every one who works with me in an Adventure Training Program gets a full plan. We include sport specific trainings, resistance workouts, flexibility/mobility training, injury prevention routines, and even rest and recovery activities. We work together so you can push yourself without feeling overwhelmed by having to do it all alone.

- Remote 1 on 1 Training -

The 4 Phases To A Successful Training Program

- Stability and Movement Prep -

No matter what we do, from gardening to bouldering, we need stable joints. In this first phase we focus on balancing and strengthening all the muscles around your joints, especially the ones that absorb the most force in your sport or hobbies.  This often alleviates aches and pains while prepping our bodies for the other phases.

- Base and Max Strength -

This phase is where we work on the amount we can move.  The goals and adventures you are working toward will tell us if we are trying to move more weight at one time or if we are trying to make it so you can keep moving for longer.  Do you need to be able to pull hard once or do you need to be able to do it over and over again?

- Power and Application -

Sometimes, pulling a lot of weight isn't enough.  Sometimes, you need to be able to do it quickly.  This phase is where we make sure the new strength you have built is being used the way it needs to be. Strong legs won't lead to high jumps if you never jump.

- Rest and Recovery -

The best way to make sure you get injured is to not rest and recover enough.  As I am in the habit of helping people avoid and recover from injuries, this is a phase that we can jump into anytime you are showing signs of overtraining.

- Remote 1 on 1 Training -

Do you dream of more exciting, challenging, and breathtaking adventures?

In New Hampshire, we have plenty of incredible places that are easily accessed by almost all ability levels, but not all of us are happy with our current status; we want to push ourselves.  Achieving those lofty goals on our own is far from impossible but comes with 2 main challenges.  First, you don't know what you don't know.  If you don't know the path to progress you have to create one and bushwhacking can be fun but it is not the fastest way forward. Second, accountability is hard, and it can be all too easy to convince yourself that today's workout is fine to skip. A coach / Personal trainer is much harder to sway.

- A Coach / Personal Trainer is the fastest and safest way to achieving your fitness and sport goals -

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- You can get better at the sport you love again -

I Can Coach You To Success

The risk of injury with our adventurous passions can be overwhelming. Getting hurt can interfere with vacations, work, and taking care of our families, but life is way less fulfilling without them. Luckily, we can prevent most and aid recovery with a good daily routine.

I have been coaching people since 2008 and have helped martial artists, snowboarders, climbers, and more prevent injuries and improve their performance. I use my years of experience, coaching certifications, and corrective exercise specialty to save them time and effort as they peruse their passions. Let me help you next.