Transform Your Climbing Experience with The ClimbFlow Blueprint

- Improve flexibility, strengthen joints, and prevent injuries with our comprehensive program. - 

- Mobility Assessment -

- Corrective Workouts -

- Better Movement On The Wall -

What's Stopping You From Reaching Your Climbing Goals?

- Many of the people I have coached over the years have been held back by a lack of flexibility, strength in the end ranges of motion, and fear of injury -

Flexibility Improvements

You can fit into more of those awkward positions if you can improve your flexibility in some key areas like your hips.

Joint Strengthening

The stronger your joints are the more you squeeze out of them when you are pulling at weird angles.

Injury Prevention

The ClimbFlow Blueprint focuses on preventing injury at two common joints, shoulders and elbows.

Inside The ClimbFlow Blueprint

- The core of the program is 45-minute workouts that are done three times a week from the comfort of home (or your gym of choice), with optional 10-minute daily routines. Just $139 for this 6 week program -

Bonuses Include:

Accountability Coaching

The group and I will be here to help you stay motivated for the duration of the program. We won't judge when you miss a workout, we will just help you get the next one in.

One on One Sessions

We will meet twice throughout the six weeks. This can either be to personalize the program for your goals or to tackle challenges specific to you.

Mini Hangboard Exercise Program

Most climbers are worried about their finger strength and hangboarding is great way to build it, so I include a short program you can do alongside the ClimbFlow Blueprint.

Follow These Simple Steps

- Easily enhance your climbing skills and reduce pain with our straightforward approach -

- Complete The Form -

Join our small group sessions designed for climbers.

- Schedule Your One on One -

Get personalized guidance to kickstart your journey.

- Enhance Your Climbing Experience -

Climb with renewed strength and confidence.


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