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How To Use A Corrective Exercise/Injury Prevention Plan
Start by completing one of the routines 3-5 times each week. They are fast and shouldn't feel draining so just get them done. Then adapt the exercises, number of repetitions, and number of sets so you can get the most from the plan. Finally, remember these plans are not supposed to be "workouts". These plans are built to correct imbalances and prevent injuries, so while there is some overlap with a traditional workout, traditional "gains" are not the goal.
3-5 Time Every Week
You can do a routine every day, but that can feel overwhelming, especially when you are just starting. Also, the results you get from seven day a week are pretty similar to five days, so you don't need to add the extra stress.
If you are doing a corrective exercise/injury prevention routine three days a week, your progress will be slow, but there will be progress. You can offset this a bit by doing a longer version of the routine with more sets but you don't have too. You can use this as a test to feel the benefits on the days you do the routines and prove to yourself it is worth doing more.
Done more consistently, you will feel the benefits for longer until your normal is the better posture, less sore self.
Adapt The Plan
You are a little different than everyone else. You do a different job, have different hobbies, move differently, and have different muscles that want to be tight. This means the first plan you try will help but could be better. You will need to adapt it, change it a little. Most of what I do is help people make these these changes, but here are some things to think about to do it on your own.
Are you using good form?
Don't change anything else until you are sure you are using good form. Most exercises and stretches will feel hugely different if you aren't using the correct form.
How many repetitions are you doing and what tempo are you using?
Are goal is usually to wake up lazy muscles so moving to fast or not doing enough repetitions could mean you aren't focusing on the correct muscle for the needed amount of time.
Will more sets help?
You could be surprised how much one more set of 6-10 reps can help. If the exercise feel right but but the benefits go away too quickly, this can help.
Try a different exercise.
After you have asked the other questions and it still doesn't feel quite right, you need to try a different exercise. You usually need one with a similar movement, but a slightly different focus.
These Are Not "Workouts"
A workout comes with goal of pushing yourself and feeling tired afterward. These routines are supposed to give you energy not take it away. So, you will probably feel it a bit while you are doing it, but it probably shouldn't last. Pushing yourself with these definitely isn't a bad thing, pushing too hard will make it harder to do them as consistently as you should be doing them.
Think of these routines as skills practice.
These routines are you retraining your muscles to work together more efficiently. You do not need to be exhausted at the end to feel the benefit of that retraining.
Be consistent, adapt, focus on the skills practice, that is how you should use your corrective exercise/injury prevention plan.
Book a FREE goals and movement session so I can help you unlock better movement for your adventures.