The Hidden Costs of Elbow Pain for Climbers

– TransformAdventure – The Hidden Costs of Elbow Pain for Climbers Did you know that elbow pain affects nearly 50% of rock climbers? This common ailment is not just a minor inconvenience but can significantly impact your climbing performance and overall enjoyment of our sport. I hope to help you understand the effects of elbow pain…

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How I Stopped Hurting My Shoulders

– TransformAdventure – How I Stopped Hurting My Shoulders As a climber, snowboarder, and martial artist it may not be hard to imagine me hurting my shoulders.  The climbs I get on while pushing my grade often require strenuous shoulder moves. When I’m snowboarding I have a hard time not trying new tricks and techniques, which…

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How I Get More From My Forearm Stretch

– TransformAdventure – How I Get More From My Forearm Stretch As a climber, my forearms are always tight, but climbers are not the only people that deal with this annoyance. People who work at a desk all day, gamers, and even construction workers can struggle with the pain and discomfort tight forearms can cause.  Below…

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How To Use A Corrective Exercise/Injury Prevention Plan

– TransformAdventure – How To Use A Corrective Exercise/Injury Prevention Plan Start by completing one of the routines 3-5 times each week. They are fast and shouldn’t feel draining so just get them done. Then adapt the exercises, number of repetitions, and number of sets so you can get the most from the plan. Finally, remember…

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My Favorite Tempo To Use While Preventing Injuries

– TransformAdventure – My Favorite Tempo To Use While Preventing Injuries You can change the benefits of all kinds of exercises b changing the speed at which you do the different parts. (Eccentric, Isometric, and Concentric) You won’t change the muscles by doing this, but you can change how the muscle adapts. If you are trying…

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What Is SMR?

Fitness for adventure

– TransformAdventure – What Is SMR? SMR stands for Self Myofascial Rolling. This basically means self massage, usually using a tool like a foam roller or a tennis ball. The goal is to reduce soreness and prep muscles for stretching, so you can gain more flexibility more easily. How hard should I push while doing the…

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Martial Arts School Partnership Program

Kickboxing and Conditioning

– TransformAdventure – Martial Arts School Partnership Program Partnership Page Our goal is to help Martial Arts School Owners keep their students training for longer without adding to the owner’s workload. Your adult students are likely leaving because they just aren’t moving as well as they used to. They may have had an injury, the falls…

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