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3 Ways To Make a Glute Bridge Harder

You can make a Glute Bridge harder by changing the tempo of the exercise, adding resistance, or introducing instability. A Glute Bridge is an exercise that we use a lot to activate and wake up the glutes so they will be ale to keep up and avoid compensations.

Change The Tempo

The tempo you do an exercise is usually not something people think about, but slowing it down can make many exercises harder. There are three parts to an exercise that you can slow down or speed up.

The first part is the eccentric action or with gravity.  This is where you are controlling your lower down in whatever exercise you are doing. To make a Glute Bridge harder I would suggest slowing this down to about a four count.

Next, we have the isometric action or the hold. This is often the hardest part to of the exercise to control, so the top of your Glute Bridge. The goal would be to hold this for a 2-4 count if you are trying to make your Glute Bridge harder.

Last, is the concentric action or against gravity.  You can slow this down to a two count but evidence suggests you should just drive up at a normal controlled pace.

Add Resistance

Resistance is often added in one of two ways. You can use a resistance band or weight. In both cases you place the resistance over your hips and use you hands to stabilize it.

Introduce Instability

Placing a stability pad under your feet or under your shoulders while doing your Glute Bridge will also make them harder. The added instability will require you to use more little muscles to keep good form and have you getting more from the exercise.

If you can maintain good form, lifting one leg up will also add instability and definitely make your Glute Bridge harder as each leg will have to move twice the weight and control the extra wobble.

Bonus: Using a combination of the 3 ways to make your Glute Bridge harder will ensure you get everything you can out of your exercise.

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